Welcome to Bruce’s Trusted Advice Along The Way!

Everything on this earth has a beginning. And so it is that Bruce’s Trusted Advice Along The Way has begun. The information, insights, and aggregate wisdom we will share together on this journey will be fascinating. We’ll learn a little about each other, a lot about the Envoy Choice retirement plan, something about what it means to be an engaged Retirement Plan Sponsor, plus a thought or two about how to help plan participants engage with life application lessons. Just a head’s up, one of those God-directed passions in my life is figuring out how to configure and implement business for either ministry or mission. This journey of discovery will be intertwined with our primary focus—retirement. A coffee plantation, anyone?

Another one of my passions is spreading the word about “Future Funded Ministry.” One of the great insights that shapes my life, ministry, and message is, “Retirement is not only a reward for past service, but also a stepping stone to future ministry.” Perhaps some of the ways God has worked, and is working, in my life will encourage you. It certainly points me in some unexpected directions. Come along and join me on the journey.

I recently reconnected with a longtime acquaintance. Let’s call him Sam, and his wife, Martha.

We both wanted to catch up: He is a Future Funded Ministry Champion of mine. He, with his wife, ran a very successful Christian non-profit for years. Just prior to “retirement” he became President of the trade association focused on his area of ministry. Because they had saved wisely and lived prudently, they took the next three years after “retirement” and traveled the country visiting organizations similar to the one he led. During those visits he shared experiences, accumulated wisdom, and offered encouragement to organizations in forty-plus states. He continued to be relevant and made a difference in people's lives.

Why he could do it: Because he, they, had developed a Future Funded Ministry Plan during their years of leadership with the non-profit. “A stepping stone to Future Ministry,” indeed. There are at least two key takeaways from his, their, story:

  1. Be open to God’s plan for the rest of your life; and
  2. Start your financial preparation early.

So the applicable questions here are: How are you doing? How is your staff doing? And what, together, can we do to help?

Look for more stories like this on Bethany Palmer’s new blog entitled: Seizing Retirement. Bethany will be helping to educate and encourage your staff with great stories from Envoy’s experiences over the last twenty-five years. Connect and encourage your staff to connect too.

Some of the hot topics in the Plan Sponsor retirement world are fee disclosure, increased and simplified engagement by establishing a Retirement Plan Oversight Committee, and learning how to use all the features and benefits of the Envoy Choice platform. By the way, I promise to be an unabashed champion of that platform. Also, I am very open to discovering the inevitable foibles and missteps in it so the platform can be ever-improving.

We have marked the spot of beginning. Bookmark this site or connect via EnvoyFinancial.com. Welcome to the journey. Let’s enjoy it together. I will be posting every two weeks.

If you want to really stay in touch with us, “Like” us on Facebook, "Follow" us on Twitter, or "Connect" with me on LinkedIn.

Living with Trusted Advice together,


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