Life is but a Thread

Crash 3Crash 4I’m in Pakse, Laos. Perhaps you have never heard of it? Perhaps you heard of it recently when a Lao Airline plane crashed into the Mekong River killing a 44 people aboard. There are two flights a day from Vientiane, the Capital, to Pakse. Pakse is the coffee capital of Laos and about 250 miles south of Vientiane. I was planning to be on that flight, but decided to take the early morning one as there was "work to do" in Pakse.

This afternoon went I with an associate to view the crash site. His sister-in-law, brother-in- law and their two children were going to visit them from Australia. They never made it. I spoke with our Lao attorney later in the day. He had two clients on that plane. He will never work with them again.

Crash 2Crash 1Life really is fleeting. It was very sobering, as it always is, when we come up close to death. As Jesus taught, we can go to a new town and say we are going to do this and that, but none of us knows the time or the hour of our exit from this orb and a meeting with Jesus.

One more time, be thankful for each day with family, friends, health and life. Plan for the future to your fullest capacity, and pray thankfully each day for the day that it was.

One more time, be thankful for each day with family, friends, health and life. Plan for the future to your fullest capacity, and pray thankfully each day for the day that it was.

Being in the financial planning industry, although a unique part of it, provides an informed perspective about planning for the future. Growing and processing coffee as a business for missions, brings another dimension to life and its processes. Be prepared. Stick to it. It takes awhile. The rains can wash it all away. (Tweet This)

Interestingly, I’ve been reading Ecclesiastes using Eugene Peterson’s, The Message paraphrase. One more time, I have come face to face with the truth about life as explained in The Bible. You might want to read it too. I’d love to hear your comments.

Tonight as I reflect on the loss here in Laos, the electricity only went out once and the Internet is intermittent rather than non-existent. My thoughts turn to my family; my wife that I love and the love that my family returns to me. There are people who need help and we are striving to help. God is good…I am more acutely aware of the Grace He gives for our stay on earth…no matter how long, or how short. (Tweet This)

Have you had a situation in your life that made you reflect on the briefness of our stay on this earth? I'd love to hear your story and what you learned from it.

Living with Trusted Advice together,

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