Enjoy the Journey

enjoy-the-journey2I woke up with this thought on my mind: It's important to slow down enough to enjoy the journey and to make sure that we don’t get stuck on the road to nowhere in the process. We are all in process and with God’s help we are built to enjoy the journey. That having been said, it is a choice.

Last night I wandered for an hour or so in the streets and parks of Vientiane, the capital of Laos. I participated in the lives of the "early evening people" for just a little while. I smiled, pointed, shook my head, entered numbers in a calculator as the souvenir vendor and her daughter giggled, and did the same. As I walked away after a mutually acceptable negotiation, her last words were, “Thank you Mister.”

Further down the street, another artist was manning her stall and was quick to point out, with a shy smile, that all the artwork was hers. Perusing the stall of personal inspiration and perspiration, I paused at a black and white drawing of a village house. Stilted in the countryside with two almost perceptible villagers, the artist said, “That is my village.” I paid the $12 dollars without negotiating. I smiled as I continued my evening journey.

As I walked past the next stand with fresh coconut, their tops opened to enjoy the sweet result of their natural growth, I saw children playing in the park; many of them. In the cool of the evening with their watchful parents nearby, I am reminded of the freedom childhood can bring. I am also reminded of the pain when they are not cared for or begin to make wrong choices. I smiled as I thought of my grandsons and said a silent prayer for their future. And the choices they will make.

After all, enjoying the journey includes sharing it with those you are just meeting, those who are an ongoing part of your life, and those that you love. God gave us the ability to reflect as a way of learning, growing, and enjoying the journey. As we slow down to appreciate what there is to learn, and then to apply it wisely, it brings happiness. Happiness in that we can be better people, more equipped to follow the path to a successful, though fleeting earthly time.

As I continued my evening stroll, I walked to a friends coffee shop for a snack. I sat at a glass topped table with a variety of coffee beans enclosed under it. The beans are a result of a long process involving lots of different people. The journey to this table top for them was progressive yet the beans learned nothing on their journey. Although shaped and positioned to give enjoyment, they were not part of that journey. I am so glad that we are not the beans stuck on a road to nowhere, but God’s creation able to enjoy the journey.

A Future Funded Ministry is experienced at the end of our journey. How is your journey coming? I’m ready for the next life experience and what it has to teach me.

Won't you share a reflection on your journey? It is part of the process. And remember, if you're stuck on the road to nowhere, you can't enjoy the journey.

Let me know your thoughts and comments. Our dialogue continues.

Living with Trusted Advice together

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