Change Is Happy and Sad

I'm sitting in my living room, taking this picture and trying to decide whether to be sad or happy! And yes, it is a choice.

Today is moving day. The last couple of weeks have been "in preparation” for this move. Judy has done a great job of organizing, per usual. Her 4 categories of “what goes where” are:

  1. Take to new Pasadena Urban apartment.
  2. Set aside for truck transport to Colorado Springs condo.
  3. Leave behind for estate sale.
  4. Goods to be donated to the ACTS Thrift store.

These alternatives only highlight the pain of decision making and prioritization. Each item takes on a “decision making” life of its own. Fortunately, 50 years of marriage have taught us how to fight fair and compromise with Love … most of the time.

It took us over a year to make the decision to sell and move. The economy, evolving priorities, personal preference, and a strong Spirit led us to conclude "it is time to prepare again for the future." Shades of a Future Funded Ministry Plan, don't you think?

But it's hard to change! Eleven great years on one of Pasadena’s most beautiful streets is tough to leave; however Colorado Springs, France, and Pakse, Lao are calling. As Envoy grows and expands, we either grow and lead the change, or fade into the future. There is still a lot to be done and His call does not fade.

We experienced many good memories for sure: Envoy’s growth, beginning a coffee plantation in Laos, the ACTS Thrift Store start up ... all part of those good memories.

There were tough times as well: two cancer surgeries for Judy, Bethany’s cancer challenges ... But time moves forward, and God’s plan is front facing. Still hard though!

Sad, too, that some highlight experiences from the past will not be repeated in the same way: Our Grandsons will never wake up at 5 AM, bundle up and walk out the front door to be amazed at the Rose Bowl floats outside our door ... We will no longer have peaceful moments on our beautiful deck discussing the activities of the day ...

As always, we look for added meaning in the experiences of life. It is our learning together as The Church that gives added value to life and serving our God, responsibly. Here are some of them that occur to me:

  1. Learn from looking back, but don’t get stuck there.
  2. Love your wife (spouse).
  3. Stay in touch with God’s plan for your life by looking forward and being affirmed by how God has placed you where you are ... for a purpose.
  4. Stay in shape ... you never know when you will have to “lug” boxes.

Of course, there must be some lessons with application to retirement plans:

  1. Act now while you plan for the future.
  2. Communicate with those you are responsible for and/or care about.
  3. Be prepared to make decisions.
  4. Future Funded Ministry is a part of your future, prepare for it.

By my next blog, I hope the following will be true:

  • My muscles will be less sore.
  • A purposeful life will have moved forward.
  • Retirement Plan Oversight Committee meetings will be taking place.
  • Educate Now (Envoy’s education and retirement plan support system) will have successfully launched.
  • Judy and I will have discovered some great little eateries within walking distance from our new abode.
  • I will have learned more from you (remember, I LOVE your comments!)
  • And yes, I think I’ll choose Happy!

Living with Trusted Advice together,


Write a comment if you have had an experience with moving, change or the choices we all have to make.

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