Are Your Personal Values Reflected in Your Investments?

In this short Video, Bruce Bruinsma, CEO of Envoy Financial, introduces Biblically Responsible Investment strategies to the Envoy Financial retirement account menus. Watch–or read–below to learn more.

Video Transcript: This is Bruce Bruinsma and I'm CEO of Envoy Financial. My goal in this short presentation is to simply begin a conversation, begin a dialogue. It's a dialogue that we're having with our plan sponsors, with our participants to the retirement plans and with those who we serve and other investment management ways. And the question that prompts our conversation is this: "is your personal values being reflected in your investments?" So, it's bringing together our personal values, and then the investments that we make with our money. It's a conversation that is going to go on for a while, because there's a whole series of different ways that it can be addressed and thought about and discussed. And I'm sure all of those will come up in our conversations. I did want to tell you that Envoy is positioning itself as being the leader in the faith driven investment movement in the area of retirement plans, and the other investment ways that we deal with our clients. So know that it will be an important part of our conversation. As a matter of fact, we are including a whole section of faith based and faith driven investments on our new menus that we will be introducing shortly. So we just invite you into the conversation. Ask you to think ask you to pray about that. As we together search for the answer to the question: "are my personal values being reflected in my investing." Have a great day and seize the day.

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