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What is Faith-Based Investing?

What is Faith-Based Investing?

Let’s start with the basics of faith-based investing.

Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is an investment strategy that seeks to consider the financial return and a positive social benefit.

Christian SRI is called Biblically Responsible Investing (BRI) or Faith-Based Investing. Faith-Based Investing considers the investor’s financial return and aligns their investment decisions with their Christian values. Faith-based investing also involves faith-based funds and faith-based advisors.

Faith-based funds are individual mutual funds or ETFs that are managed with a faith-based perspective. There are a growing number of investment managers focusing on this important area. 

They avoid companies that manufacture, distribute or donate to things such as:

  • abortion

  • anti-family entertainment

  • pornography

  • gambling

  • and/or other potentially offensive practices

Today, biblically responsible or faith-based funds are the fastest-growing subset of the socially responsible investing category. Only a short time ago, many plan providers didn't recommend faith-based funds because of their poor market performance and their high fees. Now, the fund performance and fees have improved significantly.

“A faithful man will abound with blessings,
but whoever hastens to be rich will not go unpunished.”
- Proverbs 28:20 ESV

Is Faith-Based Investing Right for you?

As Christians, we are called to be faithful and wise stewards of God’s resources. It is our desire to honor God in everything we do. Because of that, many Christians choose to align their investments with their values. You can learn more about our faith-based investment options by contacting an Envoy Financial Specialist at 888-879-1376 or submitting your information through the form below (an Envoy specialist will reach out to you after you do so).

Click here to learn more about starting a faith-based retirement plan.

To learn more about BRI, click HERE.

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