Envoy Financial

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Useful Tools That Can Increase Your Plan's Participation

Last year, there were more than 75 million downloads of Bible apps on the web.

As a result, individuals spent more than 23.6 billion minutes reading the Bible. What a great tool to encourage Bible reading!

Just like there are tools to encourage increased Bible reading, there are also tools to that will encourage you to increase your savings.

Here are 4 great retirement plan educational tools that you can use as resources to encourage your staff.

1. Bring a faith-based perspective to your retirement plan. 
A lot of Christians look at retirement as an end. We look at it as a beginning. A time that can be rich in ministry. But wait, it has to be funded. What about calling retirement a "future funded ministry?" 

2. Encourage your staff to access a retirement plan app. 
Apps are an easy and quick way to determine how much your employees should be saving in order to retire. At Envoy Financial, we provide a list of tools and calculators to help participants save for their future funded ministries.

3. Consider access to a virtual advisor for enrollment and fund choice selection. 
A virtual advisor can help your employees quickly and easily navigate through the enrollment process, from a risk profile to the investment fund selection. At Envoy, we use a Smart Plan Interactive Guide for an interactive, online employee enrollment and educational experience.

4. Give your participants retirement planning education.
Educational tools will re-energize your plan and improve retirement plan knowledge for your employees. Envoy has created an education suite that will give your participants tools and information to help them financially prepare for the future.

For more on employee education, visit EnvoyFinancial.com/activate.

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