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Two Thumbs UP

thumbs upI was in the Ubon Ratchitani, Thailand airport waiting for the Bangkok flight when I met him. All five foot two of 67-year-old energy. My friend introduced me and I asked him, "Are you retired?" "Oh yes" he replied with gusto. Then he quickly continued, "retired from the restraining walls of the church and now free to minister wherever God calls." I was shocked to find an enthusiastic and joyful practitioner of Future Funded Ministry. A Future Funded Champion and Future Funded Ministry messenger, right there in Thailand.

With a little more questioning I learned that in his pre-Jesus days he was a highly ranked Thai kick boxing fighter. Up in the air, knocking out opponents with a judiciously placed kick to the head, landing on his feet and ready to go again. He now looks like he is ready to go 5 rounds for Jesus with anyone.*

Upon departure he blessed us and as he turned to leave he said to me, "Young man, you are never through spreading the Word. Let's stay committed to never quitting.” I smiled, nodded in agreement, and gave him "Two Thumbs Up."

Reflecting on our "chance" meeting while on a late night flight to Narita, I realized that he did not put down the steepled church, but was honestly sharing the freedom he now felt to minister during his later stages of life. Because of his financial preparation he could teach at an all day training session in Ubon on Saturday and then present at a conference in Chaing Mai on Monday, while he encouraged me on the Sunday in between.

I have no doubt he will be ministering with intelligence and vigor at 77 and beyond. I look forward to our next “chance” encounter as we minister together.

Here are some of my take a ways:
- God is not finished with me yet
- Enthusiastic ministry is contagious
- It's not our size that matters, but our heart

Consider joining the growing band of Future Funded Ministry devotees. Share the message with your family, friends and staff. Be a Future Funded Ministry example whether you are just starting to prepare for that lifetime of service, almost there, or a joyous fellow traveler. Thumbs Up!

Let me know your thoughts and comments. Our dialogue continues.

Living with Trusted Advice together

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*Name withheld by request