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God took away my “Hustle”

Hustle ImageAs we walked in the Dream Center gym, 160 men and women “in recovery” applauded. We had not done anything other than show up; they were doing life’s “heavy lifting." I wondered what would come next.

Pastor Matt Barnett, Director of the Dream Center and Pastor of Angelus Temple, was our gracious and engaging guide. He singled out one of the men and asked him to “share” his story.

‘I was about at the end, when “God took away my hustle” and I had no other option but to find a way to Him. Both Matt and I blinked, “Took away your hustle?” He continued, “Yes, that is what it took to change my life. Now I’m healed and I care about tomorrow.

So, is that what it takes to put hopelessness, or apathy, behind and begin to “Care About Tomorrow?" Maybe it does. Each one of us has a different “hustle.” The Hustle is the way we try to stay on the center stage of our lives leaving God and others out of the circle, other than as someone to use or manipulate. In the street they call it a “hustle.” You and I wouldn't call it "hustle," but in reality we're talking about the same thing.

When we start to care about tomorrow, we begin to think about how to prepare for tomorrow. When we get a vision of what tomorrow can be, we are energized to make the changes and the decisions necessary to really have a “bright tomorrow.”

It is in these times that God gets to our heart. Clearly the man we were listening to was totally changed, excited about life, and willing to take the actions needed to make the future a 180 degree change from his difficult past.

There is a financial element to “Caring About Tomorrow.” We call the preparation for that “tomorrow” a Future Funded Ministry. Breaking with the past, acting on a new life vision, and preparing to live and serve for a lifetime is a wonderful result prompted by losing your “hustle.”

So, what is my Hustle? What is yours? Is it keeping us rooted in where we are rather than being free to respond to God’s vision of our future. Here is the bottom line, a Hustle-less life turns to God and prepares us for freedom, and a lifetime of service. (Tweet This Quote)

What do you think about the “hustles” of life and the ways they trap us? Let me know your thoughts and comments. Our dialogue continues.

Living with Trusted Advice together

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